Improvement of regional development management based on the use of decision support systems

Погонышев В.А.1, Погонышева Д.А.2, Анищенко А.М.2
1 Брянский государственный аграрный университет, Russia
2 Брянский государственный университет им. акад. И.Г. Петровского, Russia

Journal paper

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Volume 12, Number 12 (December 2018)

Please, cite as:
Pogonyshev V.A., Pogonysheva D.A., Anishchenko A.M. Sovershenstvovanie upravleniya razvitiem regiona na osnove ispolzovaniya sistem podderzhki prinyatiya resheniy // Kreativnaya ekonomika. – 2018. – Tom 12. – № 12. – S. 1977-1988. – doi: 10.18334/ce.12.12.39700.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 23 by 07.08.2023

As characteristic of cognitive economy domination of the natural and technical science connected with development and implementation of nature similar technologies. Now transition to a new administrative paradigm which gives to scientific community on the basis of zhiznedeyatelnostny approach nature similar model of statement of problems and their bioadequate decisions is relevant. In work need of use of intellectual technologies for support of decision-making in a problem of formation of nature similar professional outlook of personnel is proved. The features of a problem of assessment of employees immersing the last on indistinct Wednesday are marked out specifically. The multiscenario approach for the solution of a problem of assessment of workers considering importance and inadequacy of the indicators characterizing employees of market subjects is described. As results of a research also the description of a technique of management of process of formation of nature similar professional outlook on the basis of the systems of support of decision-making, algorithms and tool and analytical a component of its realization act.

Keywords: region, management, development, nature similar professional outlook, systems of support of decision-making

JEL-classification: R11, R10, R12, R19


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