Accumulation and realization of human capital in new conditions: opportunities and limitations

Федорова О.И.1, Зуева Е.Г.1
1 Оренбургский Государственный Университет, Russia

Journal paper

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Volume 12, Number 10 (October 2018)

Please, cite as:
Fedorova O.I., Zueva E.G. Nakoplenie i realizatsiya chelovecheskogo kapitala v novyh usloviyakh: vozmozhnosti i ogranicheniya // Kreativnaya ekonomika. – 2018. – Tom 12. – № 10. – S. 1649-1660. – doi: 10.18334/ce.12.10.39434.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 12 by 07.08.2023

The article aims to characterize the possibilities and limitations of accumulation and realization of human capital in the conditions of deep penetration of new technologies in economic activity. Despite the fact that information and economic activities related to its production and processing have become important factors of socio-economic development, the labour force continues to be the leading element in this process. In Russia, the move towards digitalization of economic processes coincided with the ongoing transformation of the economy in accordance with the principles of the market system of management, which significantly complicates the task of following the trend of development of the world economy. But despite the objective difficulties, the natural result of the renewal of all aspects of society as a result of the development of the digital economy (or a new technological structure) differs from the industrial economy segmentation of the labor market and the formation of post-industrial type of employee.

Keywords: human capital, labour market, digital economy

JEL-classification: J24, J21, J20


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