Bio-adequate management of socio-ecological-economic system on the basis of fractal approach and neurocomputing

Погонышева Д.А.1, Горбов Н.М.1, Горбова Т.М.1, Погонышев В.А.2
1 Брянский государственный университет им. акад. И.Г. Петровского
2 Брянский государственный аграрный университет

Journal paper

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Volume 11, Number 10 (October 2017)

Please, cite as:
Pogonysheva D.A., Gorbov N.M., Gorbova T.M., Pogonyshev V.A. Bioadekvatnoe upravlenie sotsio-ekologo-ekonomicheskimi sistemami na osnove fraktalnogo podkhoda i neyrokompyyutinga // Kreativnaya ekonomika. – 2017. – Tom 11. – № 10. – S. 1067-1076. – doi: 10.18334/ce.11.10.38412.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 28 by 07.12.2023

The development of cognitive economy necessitates the use of technological innovations in business process management. The article defines the concept of " line of people's life " which is an information device that commits the inner world of a person to percept creative, instrumental, physical, inter-personal-social, informational and ecological natures of his life. The authors justified the transition to bioadequate management of socio-ecological-economic systems based on the fractals theory. We propose the method for assessing the level of fractal-holographic natural thinking like neuro-atomic matrix of subjects of socio-ecological-economic process.

Keywords: socio-ecological-economic system, fractals, bioadequate management, neurocomputing

JEL-classification: O00, O10, O32


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