Low-rise housing construction in the Far Eastern Federal District: trend, features, problems

Власов С.А.1
1 Институт истории, археологии и этнографии народов Дальнего Востока ДВО РАН

Journal paper

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Volume 3, Number 4 (October-December 2016)

Please, cite as:
Vlasov S.A. Maloetazhnoe zhilishchnoe stroitelstvo v Dalnevostochnom federalnom okruge: tendentsii, osobennosti, problemy // Zhilishchnye strategii. – 2016. – Tom 3. – № 4. – S. 299-312. – doi: 10.18334/zhs.3.4.37354.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=28794431
Cited: 10 by 07.12.2023

The article analyzes the main trends in the development of low housing construction in the far Eastern Federal district. The authors identified the main problems hindering its development, which are the low solvency of the population, lack of land, equipped with engineering infrastructure. The authors have shown difficulties in the construction of individual country houses and his service and presented the findings about the unavailability of low-rise construction for ordinary residents of the region.

Keywords: engineering infrastructure, public service, land plots, low-rise housing construction, cottage settlements

JEL-classification: O18, L74, R21


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