ISSN: 1994‑6929 (print), 2409‑4684 (online)

Kreativnaya ekonomika

Abstracted in RSCI, Ulrich's. Published since 2007 by Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics (Saint-Petersburg, Russia).

Vol. 13, Number 10 (October 2019)

Issue contents

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Melnikov O.N., Esipenko D.A.

 The influence of creative activity of innovators on the organization of innovative processes of the enterprise*


Gorodnova N.V., Skipin D.L., Rozhentsov I.S.

 Application of Smart technologies: assessment of the impact on human capital development*


Petushkova E.V.

 The media texts in social networks as a tool for the formation of speech image of the Russian show-business artist*


Nekhoda E. V., Roschina I.V.

 Improving the sustainability of the quality of life: the role and contribution of universities*


Naumov R. A., Karaya M. Z., Kovnir V. N.

 Mechanisms and the role of international academic mobility in Russian education*


Dontsova O.I.

 Problems of interaction of academic, university and business sectors of science*


Ivanova M.O.

 Prospects of educational technologies development in the training of aviation personnel*


Stepanov A.A., Savina M.V.

 Corporate culture is a determinant of activation of innovative behaviour of the organization’s personnel*


Borovskikh N.V., Kipervar E.A.

 Digital competence of the administrative and management staff: problems identification and prospects of formation in the digitization of the economy*


Garifullin B.M., Zyabrikov V.V.

 Modeling the process of the company's digital transformation*


Sukhodoeva L.F., Roganova S.Yu., Sukhodoev D.V.

 The definition of scenario models of the enterprises resource provision*


Khanina A.V., Babikova A.V., Vartanyan A.A., Litvinova I.E., Germanova V.G.

 The algorithm of small innovative enterprises creation in the conditions of accelerated technological development*
