ISSN: 1994‑6929 (print), 2409‑4684 (online)

Kreativnaya ekonomika

Abstracted in RSCI, Ulrich's. Published since 2007 by Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics (Saint-Petersburg, Russia).

Vol. 17, Number 10 (October 2023)

Issue contents

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Drobot E.V., Makarov I.N., Avtsinova A.A., Egorov V.A., Churakov V.G.

  The influence of moral and ethical institutions of society on the sustainability of the socio-economic system and the technology of their adjustment*


Danilova O.V., Belyaeva I.Yu., Bratarchuk T.V., Ragulina Yu.V.

  ESG agenda for ensuring sustainable development of global markets: problems of institutionalization and coordination of strategic guidelines*


Vasileva Z.A., Moskvina A.V., Mikhaylova S.V., Filimonenko I.V.

  Assessing the potential for developing park projects in the region*


Ledenyova M.V., Shamray-Kurbatova L.V., Stolyarova A.N.

  Emigration of young people from Russian regions to the largest centers of attraction: problem and solutions*


Stroev P.V., Pivovarova O.V.

  Patterns of spatial distribution of natural resources in Russian macroregions*


Gruzdeva V.V., Gruzdev G.V., Klyueva Yu.S.

  Assessment of the tourist and recreational potential of rural areas as a factor of agribusiness growth in modern conditions*


Ashinova M.K., Prigoda L.V., Eshugova S.K., Kadakoeva G.V.

  Innovative ecosystem of the hospitality and tourism industry amidst digitalization*


Martianov K.P., Naugolnova I.A., Pavlov I.B.

  Functional, systems, and process approaches to company management*


Naugolnova I.A., Martianov K.P., Martianova L.D.

  Optimization of production processes as a key tool for increasing the economic efficiency of an industrial company*


Materova E.S., Shidlovskaya D.V., Badrtdinov N.N., Faiz Farkhat

  E-commerce and Internet business: problems and prospects*


Spitsyna L.Yu., Gribanova E.B., Spitsyn V.V., Popova S.N., Lyzin I.A.

  Digital communications with customers through social networks: development trends amidst the COVID-19 pandemic*


Zakharenko I.K.

  Consumer behavior research tools in the sanctioned economy*


Shishakova Yu.V., Okolnishnikova I.Yu.

 Marketing research of consumers' perception of the Tula Gingerbread brand*


Konovalova M.E., Safiullin L.N.

  Financial technology and its role in the development of the socio-economic system at the present stage*
