Analysis of factors affecting the results of banking activities in mortgage lending

Пшеничнов Р.В.1
1 Марийский государственный университет

Journal paper

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Volume 4, Number 2 (April-June 2017)

Please, cite as:
Pshenichnov R.V. Analiz faktorov, vliyayushchikh na rezultaty bankovskoy deyatelnosti v sfere ipotechnogo kreditovaniya // Zhilishchnye strategii. – 2017. – Tom 4. – № 2. – S. 107-126. – doi: 10.18334/zhs.4.2.38241.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 7 by 07.12.2023

The mortgage market in Russia in recent years had been developing quite rapidly. Despite the improvement in mortgage lending, there are still some issues that need to be analyzed and there is also a need to draw recommendations for the adaptation of banks to the rapidly changing external economic conditions. That’s why the aim of this study is to obtain data on the impact of external and internal factors on the number and volume of loans issued, and to prepare data for creation of the regression models. In order to do this study we’ve made a solid sample within from January to end of May 2016. Frequency analysis revealed a strong dependence of the level of conversion from the channel applications. We built a correlation matrix on the basis of which we obtained data on the impact of external factors on the mortgage market. We’ve analyzes the obtained results, and now we can use them in practice. The use of the method of Irvine allows to prepare a sample for building models of multiple regression on the basis of the results of this study.

Keywords: mortgage lending, correlation analysis, frequency analysis, method of Irvine

JEL-classification: G21, R31, R38


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