Alghafri Mahmoud Abdulkader – PhD student, 3rd year; Faculty of Tourism, Department of Tourism Management (Damascus University)
In any country maybe create a huge of economic revenue through management of socio-economic development in cultural heritage sites. The purpose of the study was to evaluate management of development with cultural heritage, moreover to explore a good and effective management opportunities, in addition to determine the most problems of development. The methodology adopted for this study involved a mixed method to measure Syrian local community image toward cultural heritage management, (quantitative approach). A qualitative approach was utilized to assess the management plan of socio-economic development in Syrian territory with cultural heritage and planning. Syria lacks a program to introduce cultural heritage into economic development projects. In addition to that, it has not included the social dimensions in management process. The study showed that the achieving socio-economic development of the territory through successful management, involvement of the local community and stakeholders in the development plan; will bring significant benefits to government and society, as well as the protection of cultural heritage sites. Contrary to expectations, the results indicated that the successful socio-economic development processes will be more useful in improving cultural heritage protection, and the level of living for the local community, which raises the local and regional economy level. The recommendations according to the results, implemented insert cultural heritage management and conservation process prominently in local socio- economic development programs, which can be applied to architectural and archaeological heritage sites. Further study is required to involvement of local community in socio-economic development management with cultural heritage sites
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