Buribayev Yermek A. – Doctor of Juridical Science, associate prof.
Khamzina Zhanna A. – Doctor of Juridical Science, prof.
Relevance of the research is based on the demand for scientific analysis and argumentation of proposals on improvement of legal regulation of the system of social guarantees for the family and child in a progressive formation of organized social statehood in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The object of study is the legal institution of social protection of family and child. The aim of the research is the scientific legal substantiation of the basic parameters of development of the national social security system for maternity and childhood, based on the current conditions of political, economic and social development of Kazakhstan, as well as the need for implementation of international all-purpose and regional social standards, experience of implementation of measures on social support of the population in the world. The specificity and complexity of research led to the application of a whole range of general scientific and particular scientific methods of knowledge, including: analysis, synthesis, comparison, analogy, deduction, induction, abstraction and comparative and legal, formal and legal methods, and method of political and legal modeling. Based on the principle of comprehensiveness, the research takes into consideration both political and socio-economic aspects of the formation and development of the national social security system. Scope of the research results application includes the following: recommendations and conclusions of the research can be applied within determination and implementation of future domestic policy of Kazakhstan in the field of social protection systems development; in the legislative process in order to improve the quality of legal regulation of social-security relations. Significance of the study is based on the ability to use its results in several aspects: law-making, scientific, educational, practical, social; the latter trend includes such effects as reduction of social tension in society, growth of the welfare of population.
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