Морозов Владимир Александрович – директор центра методологии исследований ресурсного обеспечения социальных проектов РФ МГУ им. Ломоносова, доктор экономических наук, профессор (Москва, Россия) (Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова)
This book is dedicated to shaping the fundamentals of compatibility theory – a mega theory directing the progress of knowledge acquisition in science, and various areas of life and the operation of society. Alongside defining the principles and criteria of compatibility, the book offers a concise exploration of compatibility patterns, classifications and approaches to studying this phenomenon. The central focus of the book is the comprehensive development of the human being in tandem with society as a single whole. It explores the compatibility processes affecting the environment in which society develops by examining interactions of human, organizational and societal subsystems and groups of social institutions — intermediate levels of compatibility uniting humanity into a multi-level dynamic whole. The book is aimed at a broad range of specialists, including business people, economists, sociologists, politicians and cultural figures, as well as all thinking people who ask themselves “Just how do things interact with each other?”
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