Economic security and the investment attractiveness of enterprises: the nature of the relationship and the problem of assessment

Александров Г.А.1, Вякина И.В.1, Скворцова Г.Г.1
1 Тверской государственный технический университет, Russia

Journal paper

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Volume 9, Number 3 (July-September 2019)

Please, cite as:
Aleksandrov G.A., Vyakina I.V., Skvortsova G.G. Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost i investitsionnaya privlekatelnost predpriyatiy: kharakter vzaimosvyazi i problema otsenki // Ekonomicheskie otnosheniya. – 2019. – Tom 9. – № 3. – S. 2269-2284. – doi: 10.18334/eo.9.3.40915.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 57 by 30.01.2024

A very relevant and debated problem of economic security is considered in this article in a completely new aspect, namely, from the standpoint of the author's hypothesis, which is that the economic security of the enterprise is a significant factor that determines its investment attractiveness. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the methods of economic security assessment proposed in the economic literature and to the substantiation of the author's approach to the development of a specific method intended both for the identification and diagnosis of external and internal barrier and restrictive factors, threats and challenges that negatively affect both the level of economic security and the assessment of the non-systematic component of investment risk characterizing the investment attractiveness of the enterprise.

Keywords: investment climate, risks, investment attractiveness, economic security, matrix method of estimation of economic safety

JEL-classification: M11, G32, G31, G39


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