Повышение эффективности политики занятости на рынке труда в современных условиях транзитивной экономики

Верников В.А.1
1 Российский экономический университет им. Г.В. Плеханова, Russia

Journal paper

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Volume 9, Number 2 (April-June 2019)

Please, cite as:
Vernikov V.A. Povyshenie effektivnosti politiki zanyatosti na rynke truda v sovremennyh usloviyakh tranzitivnoy ekonomiki // Ekonomika i sotsium: sovremennye modeli razvitiya. – 2019. – Tom 9. – № 2. – S. 231-247. – doi: 10.18334/ecsoc.9.2.40867.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=40381360
Cited: 6 by 30.01.2024

The purpose of this article is to improve the scientific and methodological provisions and the development of practical recommendations for the regulation of the labor market in the context of transformation of the structure of employment. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set and solved: to summarize the theoretical provisions on the regulation of the labor market; systematize the features of transformational shifts in the modern structure of employment; to identify general trends and regional features of labor market regulation in Russia, to improve the mechanism for regulating the labor market in the context of the transformation of the employment structure. Materials and methods. The methodological basis of this article is the regulatory documents in the sphere of labor market regulation in the Russian Federation, as well as open analytical materials on key aspects of the labor market. The work used methods such as analysis and synthesis, systematization and comparison Results. This article summarizes the theoretical provisions for the regulation of the labor market and improves the theoretical and methodological approach to its study based on the grouping of factors of influence, the allocation of methods, goals and tools for regulating the labor market. The features of transformational shifts in the modern structure of employment, characterized by the emergence of its new forms and types, changes in the collective-contractual regulation, are systematized. The main problems arising in the regulation of employment issues in the activities of the employment services of the population are identified and ways to solve them are proposed. Findings. It is substantiated that new technologies and changes in the organization of production are key factors that lead to shifts in the sphere of labor relations and the spread of new forms of employment, and changes in the structure and forms of employment affect the value system of the modern employee, deepening the differentiation in the labor market.

Keywords: labor market, employment, unemployment, employment center, labor market regulation


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