Influence of Organizational Culture on the Construction of a Controlling Model in Conditions of Innovation Activity

Хорев А.И., Агеева И.В., Совик Л.Е.

Journal paper

Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship *
№ 2-1 / February, 2010
* Этот журнал не выпускается в Первом экономическом издательстве

Please, cite as:
Khorev A.I., Ageeva I.V., Sovik L.E. Vliyanie organizatsionnoy kultury na postroenie modeli kontrollinga v usloviyakh innovatsionnoy deyatelnosti // Rossiyskoe predprinimatelstvo. – 2010. – Tom 11. – № 2. – S. 48-54.

Transition to an innovative type of development is impossible without strengthening the organizational culture. The authors diagnose organizational culture of a corporate association of the radioelectronic industry of the Voronezh Region. They suggest a new type of organizational culture, typical of the companies with public and private partnership while forming a controlling model.

Keywords: innovative development, controlling, management style, organizational culture, public and private partnership, bureaucratic type of organizational culture, innovative type of organizational culture

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