Gareev Ilnur F. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Associate professor of the Chair of Expertise and Property Management (Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering)
Matveeva Elena S. – Candidate of Science, Economics, Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Economics and Entrepreneurship in the Construction (Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering)
Kiyamova Aliya A. – (Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering)
The solution of the housing problem in mature economies is accompanied by the presence of various housing facilities most important of which is social housing. In Russia there is no well-organized social housing stock. Different regions of the country launch pilot projects, but these are mostly small apartments with favourable payment terms. Based on the analysis of article available in the scientific electronic library we have managed to develop a picture of the scientific preferences and emphases as for the problems of social housing. The authors are interested in the mechanisms of creation of social housing stock, improvement of quality and reduction of prices of housing facilities, as well as architectural and planning peculiarities of social housing. The obtained conclusions will be useful to the researchers and professionals interested in the issues of introduction of social housing in the domestic practice of residential construction.
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