Keywords:agricultural industry of Russia, agriculture, biological productivity, farmland, food, material resources, natural resources
Citation: Staroverov V.I. (2018). The role of the village in the national life and social upheavals in pre-revolutionary Russia. Food Policy and Security, 5(2), 107-115. doi: 10.18334/ppib.5.2.40112
To the present time capitalism is close to having to convert a significant part of humanity in a globalized and, according to the characteristics of the connoisseur his A. A. Zinoviev, structureless in the national and statist against "cheloveinik", which is dominated by its TNCs – transnational companies.
References: Vartanova M.L. (2017). Agropromyshlennyy kompleks: problemy sotsialno-ekonomicheskoy modernizatsii [The agro-industrial complex: problems of socio-economic modernization]. Social policy and sociology. 16 (3(122)). 20-28. (in Russian). doi: 10.17922/2071-3665-2017-16-3-20-28 .