Problems of Assessing Effectiveness of Development Projects

Ильин М.О.

Journal paper

Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship *
№ 4-1 / April, 2010
* Этот журнал не выпускается в Первом экономическом издательстве

Please, cite as:
Ilyin M.O. Problemy otsenki effektivnosti developerskikh proektov // Rossiyskoe predprinimatelstvo. – 2010. – Tom 11. – № 4. – S. 90-93.

The article analyzes the basic reasons that cause incorrect effectiveness assessment of investment and construction projects. Neglecting some characteristics of such projects leads to a significant distortion of the picture and has a negative impact on the economy as a whole.

Keywords: development, project management, management effectiveness, construction, creation of end construction products, effectivenessof projects in investment and construction area

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