The effect of common consumption and network information technologies on public processes

Белоконев С.Ю.1, Дудин М.Н.2,3, Хоконов А.А.1
1 Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации, Russia
2 Институт проблем рынка РАН
3 Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте

Journal paper

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Volume 9, Number 4 (October-December 2019)

Please, cite as:
Belokonev S.Yu., Dudin M.N., Khokonov A.A. Vliyanie sovmestnogo potrebleniya i setevyh informatsionnyh tekhnologiy na sotsialnye protsessy // Ekonomika, predprinimatelstvo i pravo. – 2019. – Tom 9. – № 4. – S. 445-462. – doi: 10.18334/epp.9.4.41481.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 11 by 24.01.2023

The article investigates the influence of joint consumption and network information technologies on social processes. International technological platforms of different countries of the world and their distribution by spheres, functions, scale of distribution and type of platform are presented. The subject of the research is joint consumption and network information technologies. The purpose of the article is to analyze the features of the emergence and existence of a complex socio-economic phenomenon-joint consumption and its impact on society and social processes. Methodology. The paper uses a number of methods of General scientific character: methods of generalization and analogy, synthesis, unity of historical and logical, comparative analysis - in the development of research base and in the study of the evolution of the concept of the economy of joint participation in the world and in Russia. Abstract-logical and system-analytical methods were used for theoretical generalization and study of the essence of the concept of «sharing economy» and its impact on social processes. Results. The authors prove that the further development of sharing economy is possible in the conditions of: multi-vector development of information technologies and expansion of their application; preservation of high moral values and at the same time the development of a new culture-a culture of consumption of a new type based on a responsible and rational attitude to goods, etc.

Keywords: trust, Internet platforms, economy of joint participation, network information technologies, public processes

JEL-classification: D83, L86, E21, D11


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