To development of the structural modernization management mechanism of the regional industry (on the example of Krasnodar region)

Щепакин М.Б.1, Губин В.А.1
1 Кубанский государственный технологический университет, Russia

Journal paper

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Volume 9, Number 3 (July-September 2019)

Please, cite as:
Shchepakin M.B., Gubin V.A. K razrabotke mekhanizma upravleniya strukturnoy modernizatsiey promyshlennosti regiona (na primere Krasnodarskogo kraya) // Voprosy innovatsionnoy ekonomiki. – 2019. – Tom 9. – № 3. – S. 875-904. – doi: 10.18334/vinec.9.3.41034.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 14 by 31.03.2023

The dominants of structural modernization are defined. The concept of structural solvency of an economic entity (industrial agglomeration) is revealed. The integration approach to structural modernization management of the regional industry is offered. The mechanism of structural modernization management of the regional industry is developed.

Keywords: regional industry, krasnodar region, modernization dominants, structural consistency, integration approach, marketing behavior, industry's structural modernization management mechanism

JEL-classification: R11, O14, R12, R19


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