Development of agri-food market in terms of food security

Крюкова О.Н.1,2, Горячун К.В.
1 Омский государственный аграрный университет им. П.А. Столыпина
2 Центр информационно-аналитической работы и поддержки организационного развития СУДРиОР

Journal paper

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Volume 2, Number 2 (April-June 2018)

Please, cite as:
Kryukova O.N., Goryachun K.V. Razvitie agroprodovolstvennogo rynka v usloviyakh obespecheniya prodovolstvennoy bezopasnosti // Tenevaya ekonomika. – 2018. – Tom 2. – № 2. – S. 55-60. – doi: 10.18334/tek.2.2.40569.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 6 by 24.01.2023

In the context of international economic sanctions, the role of the agro-food market in the region in providing food to the local population is increasing. The purpose of its functioning can be defined, as well as ensuring food security of the regions. It is noted that the provision of food security is directly and negatively affected by the shadow economic relations in the market of manufacture and sale of food products. The ways of increasing the competitiveness of the agricultural sector in the region, including the integration of agricultural and processing companies are shown.

Keywords: competition, market, food security, shadow economic relations


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