Methodological study of the functioning of the food supply of the region

Газимагомедова П.К.1
1 Дагестанский государственный университет

Journal paper

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Volume 5, Number 1 (January-March 2018)

Please, cite as:
Gazimagomedova P.K. Metodologicheskoe issledovanie funktsionirovaniya prodovolstvennogo obespecheniya regiona // Prodovolstvennaya politika i bezopasnost. – 2018. – Tom 5. – № 1. – S. 17-25. – doi: 10.18334/ppib.5.1.40106.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 2 by 05.09.2022

The presence of a well-established information and methodological system determines the effectiveness of the management process. Such a system includes data collection, its operational processing, optimal decision-making by the actors involved in the food supply of the region.

Keywords: efficiency, production, agriculture, agro-industrial complex, regions, agricultural production, information and methodological support, food regional market


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