Self-working population evaluation of their skills in terms of economy digitalization

Омельченко И.Б.1, Забелина О.В.1, Мирзабалаева Ф.И.2,1
1 Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт труда
2 Российский экономический университет им. Г.В. Плеханова

Journal paper

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Volume 6, Number 1 (January-March 2019)

Please, cite as:
Omelchenko I.B., Zabelina O.V., Mirzabalaeva F.I. Samootsenka rabotayushchim naseleniem svoikh navykov v usloviyakh tsifrovizatsii ekonomiki // Ekonomika truda. – 2019. – Tom 6. – № 1. – S. 63-76. – doi: 10.18334/et.6.1.39785.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 15 by 30.01.2024

The digitalization of the economy places new demands on the competences of the working population, causing vigorous debate among experts on the demand for skills associated with technological changes. An important problem is the evaluation of the implementation of skills in practice how to use objective and subjective assessments. Adequate self-assessment of proficiency skills is an important component for the development of digital competences and further development of employees, and adapt to the challenges of the rapidly evolving globalization. In this article the subjective assessment of the working population was a tool to measure skill level. In the research process are considered: features of evaluation of various groups of the interviewed workers of the consequences of the introduction of computer technology in their professional field; the level of self-esteem-working population of their skills (business communication, computer literacy, English proficiency, skills and competencies). The analyzed aspects are the result of joint research conducted in June-July 2018 Unitrada the Ministry of labor of Russia and St. Petersburg state University, the purpose of which was to investigate social attitudes and dispositions of the employed population of the Russian Federation in respect of work and professional activities, in particular, attitudes towards the possible transformation of their professional activity in the conditions of digitization of the economy. (Scientific project leader - Dr. of sociology. Sciences., associate Professor of social analysis and mathematical methods in sociology, St. Petersburg state University A. V. Maltsev; scientific consultant of the project Dr economy. Sciences, Professor, head of laboratory of strategic studies of social and labour relations Institute of Labour of the Ministry of labor of Russia O. V. Zabelina. The project is implemented on the basis of the Resource center for sociological and Internet studies, St. Petersburg state University, using computer systems to conduct telephone surveys / CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing). The target group of the study - citizens of the Russian Federation in the age range 18-59 years of age employed labor income-generating activities. A representative sample national telephone survey, "attitudes and dispositions of the population of the Russian Federation in relation to new forms of employment: the subjective assessment" amounted to 1634 people. Sampling error: 5%.)

Keywords: sphere of activity, professional skills, occupation, digital competence, the digitalization of the economy, assessment skills, working population

JEL-classification: J24, J20, J29


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