The rudiments of previous approaches in the economic policy of Kyrgyzstan

Джаманкулов Б.С.1
1 Институт экономики Национальной академии наук Кыргызской Республики

Journal paper

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Volume 8, Number 4 (October-December 2018)

Please, cite as:
Dzhamankulov B.S. Rudimenty prezhnikh podkhodov v ekonomicheskoy politike Kyrgyzstana // Ekonomicheskie otnosheniya. – 2018. – Tom 8. – № 4. – S. 675-689. – doi: 10.18334/eo.8.4.39559.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 7 by 28.06.2023

The economic policy of Kyrgyzstan from the first days of sovereignty was carried out, according to the author, under the strong influence of the previous ideas about the economic policy that had developed in the era of socialism. This situation was due to the fact that the party-economic nomenclature, the interests of which should have been taken into account during the transition to the market, managed to maintain its leading position in the economic structure of society. The former mentality affects, as the author shows, in attempts to re-industrialize industry through the construction of large state-owned enterprises, financial support for unprofitable industries. The rudiments of the mentality result in a reluctance to actively use the bankruptcy mechanism for large unprofitable enterprises, as well as in distrust of small business and entrepreneurship in general. Such kind of policy led in its time to the bankruptcy of several commercial banks, threatened the macroeconomic stability and stability of the national currency. The author tried to analyze the manifestations of the previous approaches in economic policy and to trace their influence on the effectiveness and focus of measures to reform the economy of Kyrgyzstan. Materials of the article can be useful for researchers and practitioners who carry out their activities in the field of studying the deformations of the economy and developing proposals for the strategic development of countries.

Keywords: economic policy of Kyrgyzstan, the mentality of influential social groups, manifestations of Sovietness in economic policy

JEL-classification: O40, P20, P30


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