Personnel potential of the region: essence, factors, problems of formation

Потуданская В.Ф.1, Боровских Н.В.1, Кипервар Е.А.1
1 Омский государственный технический университет

Journal paper

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Volume 5, Number 3 (July-September 2018)

Please, cite as:
Potudanskaya V.F., Borovskikh N.V., Kipervar E.A. Kadrovyy potentsial regiona: sushchnost, faktory, problemy formirovaniya // Ekonomika truda. – 2018. – Tom 5. – № 3. – S. 735-744. – doi: 10.18334/et.5.3.39252.

Indexed in Russian Science Citation Index:
Cited: 42 by 07.12.2023

In the article the essence is considered, factors and problems of formation of personnel potential of the region are defined and substantially analyzed. The interrelation of such social and economic categories as "personnel potential", "labor potential", "human potential" and "human resources" is investigated. The author's approach to classification of the factors causing formation of personnel potential at the level of the region is offered, on the basis of results of classification the STEP-map of factors is formed. The content of the group of socio-economic factors, as well as technological and political-legal factors is considered in detail. Recommendations on the use of statistical and expert methods of analysis for each group of factors are formulated. The paper presents the results of content analysis of the concepts of formation and development of personnel potential of the regions of the Siberian Federal district, the main problems of formation and development of personnel potential of the peripheral regions of the country.

Keywords: personnel potential, human potential, factors of development, problems of development

JEL-classification: J24, J21, M50


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