ISSN: 2222‑534X (online)

Ekonomika, predprinimatelstvo i pravo

Indexed in Ulrich's, RSCI. Published since 2011.

Vol. 14, Number 6 (June 2024)

Issue contents

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Balakshin I.S.

 Marketplace business models: classification, typology, and characteristics

Mursalov I.D.

 Designing a technological product based on an approach to standardizing its architecture

Buletova N.E., Arepyeva E.E., Sharkevich I.V.

 Otsenka demograficheskoy bezopasnosti i ee vliyanie na potentsial ekonomicheskogo rosta subyektov Rossiyskoy Federatsii

Murzin A.D., Vekhov R.E.

 Identifikatsiya faktorov konkurentosposobnosti organizatsii v sfere elektronnoy kommertsii

Artyukhina N.I., Bafanov A.P., Glotova I.V., Kostrov V.N.

 Analiz predpochteniy passazhirov v voprose vybora regionalnogo obshchestvennogo transporta

Nevskaya M.A., Shabalova A.E.

 Classification of production and technological risks of mining projects by types of production tasks

Pakhomenko E.S.

 Metodicheskiy podkhod k prinyatiyu upravlencheskikh resheniy po proektam vnedreniya i ekspluatatsii vozobnovlyaemyh istochnikov energii

Ekaterinovskaya M.A.

 Preferentsialnye rezhimy v Rossii: problemy i perspektivy

Kalayda S.A., Chupanova Kh.A.

 Theory of company value and modern practical aspects of value-based management

Sidorov N.V.

 Labour motivation and incentives: managing the process

Gorodnova N.V., Ortyukova A.S.

 Development of the electric car market: a comparative analysis of economic and legal regulation in Russia and China

Bizin S.V.

 Improving the effectiveness of public administration in the field of youth policy (regional aspect)

Shavshukov V.M., Oleynik A.V., Shchepkina N.N.

 Methodological justification for the digital reengineering of a construction company

Akhmetaliev T.A.

 Appraisal activity in determining the cadastral value of real estate objects on the example of increasing the budget of the city of Kazan

Shapovalov A.A., Suvorova A.V.

 Development of business processes in the Russian car trade

Dmitrieva E.I., Shavshukov V.M., Badalova A.G.

 Industry 5.0 and artificial intelligence in business process management